Related articles简要描述:国标yjv高压铜芯电缆10kv-3*50mm2价格
6kV~35kV 中低压铜芯及铝芯交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆(YJV电缆,YJV22电缆,YJLV电缆,YJLV22电缆)XLPE Insulated Power Cable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆是采用化学方法或物理方法,使聚乙烯分子由线型分子结构转变为三维网状结构,由热塑性的聚乙烯变成热固性的交联聚乙烯,从而提高了聚乙烯的耐老化性能、机械性能和耐环境能力,并保持了优良的电气性能。 国标yjv高压铜芯电缆10kv-3*50mm2价格电缆额定电压的选择 Voltage designation· 电缆的额定电压应适合于电缆系统的运行状况,用U0/U(Um)kv表示。 U0-电缆设计用的导体对地或金属屏蔽之间的额定工频电压; U-电缆设计用的导体间的额定工频电压; Um-设备可承受的“zui高系统电压”的zui大值。 The rated voltage of the cable for a given applixation shall be suitable for the operating conditions in the system in which the cable is used,and is expressed in the form of U0/U(Um)kv Where: U0-The rated power-frequency voltage between conductors and earth metallic screen ,for which the cable designed; U - The rated power-frequency voltage between conductos, for which the cable designed; Um- The maximum value of the“highest system voltage”for which the equipment may beused. · 三相系统用电缆的U0值推荐如下表: The values of U0 recommened for cable to be used in three-phase systems are listed below: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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A类系统──该类系统任何一相导体与地和接地导体接触时,能在1min内与系统分离 电缆的型号Type of cable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||